Friday, May 31, 2019

John Q. Adams :: essays research papers

John Quinsy Adams was born in Braintree Massachusetts. His other, Abigail Smith Adams and his father, John Adams (2nd president of the United States of America) skilful John Quinsy very well. At ten years old John Q. traveled with his father on diplomat missions to Europe. He learned French fluently there in a private school at Paris. After Studying French in Paris Adams studied at the University of Leiden. In 1782 through 1783 he was a secretary and interpreter of the French in Germany. After being a secretary and interpreter in Germany, He traveled to HollandJohn Q. Adams was very good and smart at languages, history and mathematics. By the end of his school he was a very good and trust meritable lawyer.Adams came particularly to George Washingtons attention because of the articles he published in the newspaper about defending the presidents policies. As a solving of this defending for rights Washington put Adams in the place for a Dutch ministering the Netherlands.After all t his, President James Monroe called Adams to become depositary of State in 1817.As secretary John Q. Adams was pleased with the schools he participated in, in the past years because they paid off.Adams greatest achievements Secretary of State were the Transcontinental Treaty with Spain. Which was signed on February 22. By this treaty Spain acknowledged east Florida and west Florida to become part of the United States of America.John Quinsy Adams may have been the greatest United States Secretary of State. He was not iodin of the greatest presidents He was really a minority president chosen by the House of Representatives they get the most. Jackson had sure the most of the popular votes both at poles and in the state but he lacked a constitutional majority, (which is a major in college) stiff one of the four can dates through all his support in 1824 to Adams in the house in February 1825.After secret conferences between the two electing Adams in the first ballot. Clay had put Adam s into the White House in order to become his Secretary of State and successor.President Adams believed that the American Revelation had already won liberty, at least for White House people, and that this liberty was guaranteed the constitution of the United Sates of America. His policy was to let there be more national power and to make freedom founder for the people.On

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Robert Hutchins Goddard :: biographies biography bio

Many of the the most important features of modern rockets, missiles, and even spacecraft use the principles pioneered by Dr. Robert Goddard. Before his bet, many people didnt even opine thrust could propel a rocket in a vacuum and, because of this, he was ridiculed by the New York Times when he proposed that space travel with rockets was possible4. When he tried to tell the U.S. Army about the possibility of the Germans using rockets as weapons just before World War II, he was rebuffed. What he had warned became a humanity however, when German V-2 rockets hit London. After the war was over, German scientists admitted that much of the design for the V-2 had been taken from Goddards patents, which were publicly available4. Even though many people didnt take his work seriously, this didnt deter Goddard from the work he loved. He always kept working to advance rocketry, which he believed someday would be the means to travel into space. From his early experiments of bil l the thrust of solid fuel rocket engines on a bench with a ballistic pendulum3, to his last experiments with liquid fuel powered rockets that were over 20 feet long and traveled to altitudes of 9000 feet1, he forged the means to the space age. Before him, rocketry was relatively dead, while after him it was at the forefront of scientific research. Unlike when he first started his work, Dr. Goddard is now recognized for the important role he had in the fields of rocketry and liquid fuel propulsion. He is now known as the incur of modern rocketry5. NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland is named after him. He recently was named one of the 100 most important people of the twentieth century by Time magazine4. In 1969, the New York Times even printed a piece acknowledging that Goddard had indeed been correct about thrust working in a vacuum. Robert Goddards achievements 1,2 * First to explore mathematically the practicality of using rocket propulsion to reach high altitudes and even the moon (1912) * Received first U.S. patent in the idea of a multi-stage rocket (1914) * Proved, by actual test, that a rocket will work in a vacuum (1915)

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Epic of Gilgamesh and Oryx and Crake. Essay -- compare, contrast, c

The more thought that is put into the true nature of humankind beings, the clearer the realization seems to be that as a species, humans are run to challenge limits that are thought to be understood and transc mop up set boundaries. This truth of human nature is quite effectively revealed in both The grand of Gilgamesh and the novel Oryx and Crake. The Epic of Gilgamesh reveals more about the human disposition to push mortal boundaries. It explores the desire to challenge religious boundaries, which hold extreme repercussions, as well as fears that were faced when dealing with the truth of human mortality. Oryx and Crake, on the other hand, deals more with the human desire to attain eternal youth, and the incorrupt boundaries that are pushed and most certainly crossed in those endeavours. As each text presents evidence to prove the presence of such desires in human nature, both also seem to argue that boundaries are set for reasons, and that nothing fruitful can come from the end eavour of crossing them.The Epic of Gilgamesh immediately begins to deal with the human disposition to push limitations for the sport in it, even when there is no necessity which requires it. The reader immediately sees the main character, Gilgamesh, portrayed in an extreme forge through harrying the young men of Uruk beyond reason. Gilgamesh would leave no son to his father, day and night he would rampage fiercely. Because he was of stronger stock, Gilgamesh found himself unable to balk demonstrating his greatness in comparison to others. Although utilizing ones abilities is understandably a good thing, doing so only through the waste of others when such force is not required is clearly a frivolous pursuit. Since Gilgamesh could find no proper means whereby to... ...fferent ventures in testing the limitations of human life, they both certainly convey a definite end concerning the degree in which humans can change their fates. Oryx and Crake very directly establishes this, with the statement grief in the face of inevitable death, the wish to pause time. The human condition, summing up the mortal limitation and the pursuits of the society in the book quite nicely. The Epic of Gilgamesh also leaves the reader with a similar image to forecast the quest of breaking limitations with. The city begins and ends in the same way one square nautical mile of city, one square mile of gardens, one square mile of clay pits, a half square mile of Ishtars dwelling, three and a half miles is the measure of Uruk. Nothing about his world or city is changed despite all the trial that Gilgamesh faced throughout to challenge the boundaries that were in place.

Reflection on a Critical Incident Essay -- Nursing Reflective Practice

The reason for this essay is to reflect on a critical incident experience during my six week organisation as a student nurse on an orthopedic ward. To explore an event as a critical incident is a value judgment, and the grounding of that judgment is the significance attached to the meaning of the incident. Critical incidents are created or produced by the way we look at a situation. Tripp (1993)The incident chosen has make an impact on me due to the fact the side effects of surgery can be very critical to a patients life, as would be demonstrated in the critical incident chosen (D.V.T). Deep vein thrombosis.There are respective(a) reflective models written by various theorists and they include Atkins and Murphy (1994), Stephenson (1993), Johns (2000), and Gibbs (1988). For this critical incident the model I have chosen to use is Gibbs (1988) reflective model as a guide because it is more than understandable and will reflect more clearly on this critical incident. It is widel y known that experience alone is not adequate enough to secure that any learning takes place, so it is important that integration of past experiences with new experiences occurs. This is done through the process of reflection. (Fitzgerald 1994).To be self aware is to be assured of ones character, including beliefs, values, qualities, strengths and limitation. It is about knowing oneself (Burnard 1992). It underpins the entire process of reflection because it allows people to see themselves in a particular situation and honestly bring out how they have been affected by the situation and to analyse his or her own feelings. (Bulman and Schultz 2008). Through reflection you develop skills in being able to watch yourself in action, during the course of you... professionals and students. Nursing Standard 27.25 (2013) 41-48. PrintNMC - Nursing Midwifery Council (2015), The Code for nurses and midwiveshttp// D A (1983) The Reflective Practitio ner how professionals think in action London Temple SmithStephenson (1993) In Reflective enforce in nursing the growth of the professionalpractitioner, ed. A.M. Palmer, S. Burns and C, Bulman 1994, Blackwell ScientificPublications, Oxford, UK and Boston, USA.Taylor, Beverly J. (2000) Reflective class period A Guide for Nurses and Midwives. Open University Press Tripp, D. (1993) Critical Incidents in Teaching. Developing Professional Judgement. London Routledge.Williams, B (2001) Developing critical reflection for professional practice through problem-based learning. Journal of Advanced Nursing, Apr34(1)27-34.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Deadly Ebola Virus :: Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (Ebola HF)

The only sound is a choking in his throat as he continues to vomit while unconscious. Then comes a sound like a bed sheet being torn in half, which is the sound of his bowels opening at the sphincter and venting blood. The blood is mixed with his intestinal lining. He has sloughed off his gut. The lining of his intestines have come off and are being expelled along with great amounts of blood (Preston 17).Ebola hemorrhagic fever is probably the most publicized virus since AIDS. And for a good reason too. People crashing out, vomiting their organs, bleeding all everyplace the place, it certainly catches ones attention. Richard Prestons The Hot Zone, Robin Cooks Outbreak and miscellaneous exposs on television have alerted the public to what was once considered a minor problem. Ebola is extremely breakneck and much study is being devoted to it so it does not become a major threat to the human race. Ebola is one of the most pathogenic viruses cognize to science, causing death in 50%- 90% of all clinically ill cases. It is known for its sudden onset of fever, weakness, muscle pain, headache and sore throat that is followed by vomiting, diarrhea, organ disfunction and internal and external bleeding. It cannister be in the body 2 to 21 days before any symptoms can be noticed. There is no vaccine and scientists do not know where it originated. Ebola is transmitted by contact with blood, secretions, organs or semen of infected persons. It was front identified in Sudan and Zaire in 1976 (World 1996).There are four known varieties of Ebola Ebola Zaire, Ebola Sudan, Ebola Reston and Ebola Tai. Zaire, Sudan and Tai cause illness in humans and primates contrasted Reston that affects primates only. What makes them different from each other is not their shape, for that is quite similar, but their gene structure.Ebola Zaire and Ebola Sudan were first isolated in 1976 at the Center for indisposition Control (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia, Porton Down in England and the Instit ute for Tropical Diseases in Antwerp, Belgium. Years later, Ebola Zaire and Ebola Sudan were found to be different strains by Dr. Joseph McCormick of the CDC. In 1989, Dr. son of a bitch Jahrling of the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) identified the Reston strain. Ebola Tai was identified in 1995 by Dr. Bernard LeGuenno of Institute Pasteur in Paris.

The Deadly Ebola Virus :: Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (Ebola HF)

The only sound is a choking in his throat as he continues to vomit while unconscious. thusly comes a sound like a bed sheet being torn in half, which is the sound of his bowels opening at the sphincter and venting assembly line. The blood is mixed with his intestinal lining. He has sloughed off his gut. The lining of his intestines have come off and are being expelled along with huge amounts of blood (Preston 17).Ebola hemorrhagic feverishness is probably the most publicized virus since AIDS. And for a good reason too. People crashing out, vomiting their organs, bleeding all over the place, it certainly catches ones attention. Richard Prestons The Hot Zone, robin redbreast Cooks Outbreak and miscellaneous exposs on television have alerted the public to what was once considered a minor problem. Ebola is extremely dangerous and much study is being devoted to it so it does not become a major threat to the human race. Ebola is one of the most pathogenic viruses known to science, ca using death in 50%- 90% of all clinically ill cases. It is known for its sudden onset of fever, weakness, muscle pain, headache and sore throat that is followed by vomiting, diarrhea, organ disfunction and internal and external bleeding. It can be in the body 2 to 21 days before any symptoms can be noticed. There is no vaccine and scientists do not know where it originated. Ebola is transmitted by contact with blood, secretions, organs or semen of infected persons. It was first identified in Sudan and congou tea in 1976 (World 1996).There are four known varieties of Ebola Ebola Zaire, Ebola Sudan, Ebola Reston and Ebola Tai. Zaire, Sudan and Tai cause illness in humans and primates unlike Reston that affects primates only. What makes them different from each other is not their shape, for that is quite similar, but their gene structure.Ebola Zaire and Ebola Sudan were first isolated in 1976 at the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia, Porton chain reactor in England and the Institute for Tropical Diseases in Antwerp, Belgium. Years later, Ebola Zaire and Ebola Sudan were found to be different strains by Dr. Joseph McCormick of the CDC. In 1989, Dr. Peter Jahrling of the United States Army checkup Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) identified the Reston strain. Ebola Tai was identified in 1995 by Dr. Bernard LeGuenno of Institute Pasteur in Paris.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Reading Books Essay

Reading a book is one of the best forms of entertainment a person rouse have. Books can scoop out you places to a time and lifestyle that you will never visit or experience. I remember the old line of battle called Reading Rainbow and it lyrics were gave a very interesting take on books they went like this I can twice as high take a look, its in a book A Reading Rainbow, I can go anywhere, Friends to know and ways to grow, Reading Rainbow, I can be anything take a look its in a book. Those lyrics are so true. Reading a book you can read about how life was in the 1700s up until our generation today. I could be a detective who solves a famous mystery or I could be the killer hard to get away.I can learn to speak another language. There are so many things and topics in reading a book that can change your appearance, your political viewpoints, and change your attitude. Some say that books might become obsolete because movies are made from these books and you can watch the movies in t wo hours. notice the movies a person feels that you can get the plot and conclusion of the book in two hours. This is true but for example if it is true life myth the movie are going to change some parts of the books to make it more enjoyable, whereas the book is going to give you every detail the author wants you to have.Books gives commonwealth a conversation piece just like a movie but the only difference is books can join the world. Movies cant be seen in some countries but a book can be read. So like the Reading Rainbow says take a look its in a book. So in conclusion reading a book is the best form of entertainment.Stephanie C. WilliamsNovember 20, 2010

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Patroklos is not very important to the Iliada Essay

Patroklos is introduced as the companion of Achilleus the great warrior which automatic eithery makes him significant to the poem as a whole. His relationship with Achilleus is inaugural shown in book 9 where Patroklos obeys everything Achilleus asks him to do and is names as his companion Patroklos. This shows they have a good relationship which is all important(predicate) as it shows the auditory sense other side of Achilleus, one where he is loving and caring and human enough to crave the company of a close friend.However the menial tasks Patroklos is first asked to finish could have been undertaken by any common slave and therefore in this scene he does non come across as particularly important to the poem. This close relationship is emphasized a number of times throughout the poem, in particular when Achilleus gave a silent signal to Patroklos with his eyebrows which would indicate that their relationship is much(prenominal) that Patroklos understands what Achilleus wan ts him to do through facial expression alone.More everyplace, in book 11, Patroklos is referred to as the pleasure of my heart by Achilleus, suggesting that their relationship is deeper than just friends. Patrokloss role in Achilleuss life is explained in part by Nestor who speaks of the advice given to Patroklos by his father by birth Achilleus is superior to you, but you are the older. He is far stronger than you, but your proper task is to give him words of wisdom and advise him and guide him and he will listen to you for the best. This indicates that Patroklos has throughout his life influenced Achilleus and continues to do so, meaning he is crucial in understanding Achilleuss character. Nearing the end of book 11, Patroklos cuts an arrow from Eurypylos thigh and stops the bleeding which shows he is compassionate and endears him to the audience which may be a device employed by Homer to emphasize the sadness of Patrokloss death later in the poem. This scene is likewise used to show the brutal effects of war due to its gory nature.After book 16 Patroklos comes to the forefront of the poem. Achilleus instructs him to don his armour and push the skirmish from their ships. Achilleus once again shows his feelings for Patroklos as he prays to Zeus that he will come back safely. Zeus does not grant this, foretelling Patrokloss death. During this book, Patroklos has his aristeia which adds fermentation and impact to the poem. Patrokloss fighting lasts for many pages and is a significant part of the poem, showing his importance overall.Patrokloss fight with Sarpedon is important as Zeus becomes countermand over the death of his son and although he allows the Achaians to take his armour, he ensures the body is well looked after showing a loving side of Zeus that is not often seen during the poem. Without Patroklos this scene would not have been able to take place. Patrokloss death is told over many lines and begins with Euphorbus stabbing him in the back as h e is too scared to face him in battle. This shows once again how brave and important Patroklos is.The passage describing Hektor killing Patroklos is very descriptive and includes mockery from Hektor and Patrokloss concluding speech. This once more makes the audience feel for Patroklos as he is cruelly mocked in the last moments of his life. The next book is entirely dedicated to the fight over Patrokloss body which indicates that he was important and a large part of the poem. There are also many men willing to defend Patroklos which shows he was well loved I would gladly stand by Patroklos and defend him, since his death has touched right to my heart.At the beginning of book 18 Achilleus learns of the death of Patroklos and the black cloud of sorrow enveloped Achilleushe lay there with his whole body sprawling in the dust, huge and hugely fallen, tearing at his hair and defiling it with his own hands, this passage shows how much Achilleus cared for his friend, he is so overwhelmed with sorrow that he is unable to speak. Even the serving women shrieked loud in their hearts grief, enabling the audience to understand that he was loved by all, emphasizing the pain of his death.Furthermore, Patrokloss death makes Achilleus feel guilty allow me die directly, since I was not able to help my friend at his killing and spurs him to fight once more. The sensitive side of Achilleus is bought out again during this his adoring tears falling when he saw his trusted friend lying there. Patrokloss death is the catalyst needed to make Achilleus rekindle his fighting spirit but now PatroklosI shall not give you burial until I have bought herethe head of Hektor. Which shows that without Patroklos Achilleus would not have fought again, meaning he is catalytic in this part of the Iliad.Finally it is made clear that Patroklos was instrumental in Achilleuss attachment to Briseis. You were always gentle. Briseis explains that Patroklos was the one who arranged for her to marry Ac hilleus, and since this all began because Briseis was taken away this shows that without Patrokloss intervention Achilleus would not have been so angry in the first place and would not have refused to fight, making the Iliad into a very different story. Therefore, Patroklos was key in shaping the poem into the story it became.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Diversity Training Manual

Diversity Training Manual Part 1 Abstract This paper is the first part of a training manual(a) that will help employees to have a better understanding of diversity in the work place and how to act towards dis alike(p) diversity issues that may bone up in the workplace. It will also give current statistics and recent trends of the demographics in the United States as well as the forecasted trends. Also included will be a rough outline of the entire contents of the manual and the table of contents for the manual. Table of Contents IntroductionSection 1 Current Statistics of the Demographics of the existence in the United States Section 2 Recent Trends of the Demographics in the United States a)Immigrants versus natives b)Religion c)Age d)Race Section 3 Forecasted Trends of the Demographics in the United States Section 4 Forms of discrimination a)Legislation book binding discrimination b)Customs and values of different groups c)How to deal with differing values and customs d)Legisl ation affecting supervisor regulation Introduction What is diversity? Diversity is simply everything that makes people different from one another.It refers to different languages, races, age groups, gender, and religion (Bucher, 2010). A few decades ago the main part of the workforce was white men between the ages of 20 and 60. presently thither are a larger event of women joining the work force along with younger people between the ages of 16 to 26 (AIU, 2011). in that respect was also a mostly white workforce. Due to immigrants coming in from other countries, there are now other races in the workforce (Bucher, 2010). These immigrants are bringing with them different work habits, different languages and different religions.If the amount of immigrants continues at its present rate, it is projected that by the year 2050 the tribe of the United States will be 438 million and 82% of the population will be new immigrants arriving in the United States and their descendants that wil l be born as U. S. citizens (Passel & Cohn, 2008). As the number of immigrants increases, the number of the non-Hispanic white population will decrease. It has been forecasted that by the year 2050 whites will be a minority group. They will only account for 47% of the population where the Hispanics and Asians will be the majority (Passel & Cohn, 2008).Another demographic change that is going to take place is the age of the work force. With all the advances being made in the medical field people are living longer and are able to work longer. The workforce used to be made of men that had similar capabilities that were between the ages of 20 and 60. Now there are four different age groups to consider, there are the traditionalists that are over the age of 60. Then there are the baby boomers that are between the ages of 44 and 60. Generation X is between the ages of 26 and 44 and then there is generation Y that is younger than 26.All these age groups need to be communicated to different ly but have to be treated equally (Pierce, 2011). This training manual is going to help everyone to retrieve outside of their own culture and learn how to communicate with others that do not always share the same views. References AIU Online (2011). Unit 1 Current Workforce Make-Up. Retrieved on November 11, 2011 from https//mycampus. com/classroom/Pages/multimediacorsetext. Bucher, Richard D. (2010). Diversity Consciousness Opening Our Minds to People, Cultures, and Opportunities (3rd ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ Prentice Hall.Passel, Jeffery and Cohn, DVera (February 11, 2008). Immigration to Play Lead Role in next U. S. Growth. Retrieved on November 11, 2011 from http//pewresearch. org/pubs/729/united-states-population-projections Pew Research Center (February 25, 2008). The U. S. Religious Landscape Survey Reveals a Fluid Diverse Pattern of Faith. Retrieved on November 11, 2011 from http//pewresearch. org/pubs/743/united-states-religion. Pierce, Rick (2011). Dealing with a Ch anging Workforce-Supervision in the 21st Century. Retrieved on November 11, 2011 from http//www. businessexperwebinars. com/content/view/593/29/

Friday, May 24, 2019

Formal and Non Formal Education

CHAPTER 2 Page 28 4. City relative frequency Relative Or Relative Frequency Frequency (%) Indianapolis 100 0. 050 5. 0 St. Louis 450 0. 225 22. 5 Chicago one hundred thirty0 0. 650 65. 0 Milwaukee 150 0. 075 7. 5 Total 2000 1. 000 100. 5. a. A frequency table. b. pic c. Frequencies Relative Frequencies (%) White 130 10. 0 Black 104 8. 0 Lime 325 25. 0 Orange 455 35. 0 Red 296 22. 0 Total 1300 100. pic d. 350,000 orange 250,000 lime 220,000 red 100,000 white, and 80,000 black, found by multiplying relative frequency by 1,000,000 production. Page 35 10. a. 25 = 32, 26 = 64 53 suggests 6 homees. b. picUse interval of 15 and start first class at 40. 12. a. 24 = 16, 25 = 32 n = 20, suggest 5 classes b. picUse interval of 10. c. 50 d. fRelative frequency 50 up to 6040. 20 60 up to 7050. 25 70 up to 8060. 30 80 up to 9020. 10 90 up to 10030. 15 Total201. 00 e. The fewest number is about(predicate) 50, the highest about 100.The superlative concentration is in classes 60 up to 70 and 70 up to 80. Page 41 15. The following table is for 7th edition part (b) lone(prenominal) Class Mid Points x Frequency cum. Freq Relative fx Frequencies 0 5 2. 5 5 5 0. 05 12. 5 5-10 7. 5 13 18 0. 13 97. 10-15 12. 5 28 46 0. 28 350. 0 15-20 17. 5 23 69 0. 23 402. 5 20-25 22. 5 18 87 0. 18 405. 0 25-30 27. 5 10 97 0. 1 275. 0 30-35 32. 5 3 100 0. 3 97. 5 Total 100 1. 00 1640. 0 a. Histogram b. 100 (8th edition) c. 5 d. 28 e. 0. 28 f. 12. 5 g. 13 16. a. 3 b. about 26 or 27 c. 2 d. frequency polygon 17. a. 50 b. 1. 5 thousands of miles c. d. X = 1. 5, Y = 5 e. pic f. For the 50 employees about half earn between 6 and 9 thousand frequent flier miles. Five earn slight than 3 thousand frequent flier miles, and two earn more than 12 thousand frequent flier miles. Page 45 20. a. 200 b. b. about 50 or $50,000 . c. about $180,000 d. about $240,000 e. about = 110 50 or 60 homes f. about 130 homes 22. a. Les than 10 days = 6 + 7 = 13 Less than 15 days = 6 + 7 + 12 = 25 b. Lead TimefCF 0 up to 566 5 up to 10713 10 up to 151225 15 up to 20833 20 up to 25740 c. d. 14 CHAPTER EXERCISES Page 46 26. a. The scale is ordinal and the variable is qualitative. b. Performance Frequency Early 22 On-time 67 Late 9 Lost 2 . Performance Relative Frequency Early . 22 On-time . 67 Late . 09 Lost . 02 d. pic e. pic f. 89% of the packages are either early or on-time and 2% of the packages are lost. So they are missing both of their objectives. They must eliminate all lost packages and reduce the late percentage to below 1%. pic

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Compare the way that Charlotte Bronte and John Steinbeck show the theme of friendship Essay

Compargon the way that Charlotte Bronte and joke Steinbeck show the theme of friendship as shown by Jane Eyre and Helen Burns in Jane Eyre and Lennie Small and George Milton in Of Mice and MenThe theme of friendship is so important in some(prenominal) Of Mice and Men and Jane Eyre because it helps the characters to survive emotionally. Friendships are important because they help batch socialise which stops them from feeling isolated and lonely. Another reason why friendship is important is because of the mutual trust and reliance. Loyalty is also a in truth important element of friendship.Jane Eyre is a young girl of ten years old, whose mother and father died when she was very young. No blood relative was around to ascertain after her so she was put into the care of her aunt, Mrs Reed. She falls foul of Mrs Reed and her children and is soon segregated from their company, being accused of appalling behaviour. As penalization for this Jane is sent to Lowood institute, for orphan ed girls. She soon meets her future best friend, Helen Burns.It was made clear early on in the novel that Jane was segregated from Mrs Reeds children. An utilisation of this is when Jane hides away to read to her cousin Johns disgust. He becomes cruel and physically abusive towards Jane, her resulting anger and refusal to be orde blushing(a) around by John results in Jane being wrongfully sent to the red path. The weather in this scene resembles the mood that Jane is in. She becomes terrified of the red room as this room was where her uncle died Jane soon passes out from the terror of this experience. Jane later admits to being lonely saying I stood lonely enoughbut to that feeling of closing off I was prone. It is also evident that George and Lennie are isolated from the way that they and other ranchers constantly play solitaire.One of the many differences between the characters is that Jane Eyre travels alone unlike George and Lennie who are both travel companions. Jane has a very outspoken and bold personality, we learn about this on several occasions like when she stands up to Mrs Reed saying that I am not deceitful if I were, I should say I esteemd you but I declare I do not love you.Jane Eyre soon joins Lowood boarding school for orphaned girls, where she sees how the pupils are treated like robots where they have instructions and orders fired at them by teachers. The pupils have to dress the same, manner of walking at the same pace and are assigned to sit at the same places.Jane and Helen become friends because they are outcasts who havent got anyone to socialise with. Jane notices Helen sitting in the playground dapple everyone else is socialising. She starts up a friendship with Helen because she is curious about Lowood and wants to find out more than from a senior girl. We bash this from the endless sum of money of questions that she asks Helen about her time at the school. Do you come along way from here? You must wish to leave Lowood? But that teacher Miss Scatcherd, is so cruel to you?George and Lennie become companions, When Lennies aunt Clara asked George to look after Lennie just she died. There relationship is that of a father and son. This is clear when we see George lecturing Lennie all over killing both a mouse and a puppy That mouse aint fresh Lennie besides, youve broke it pettin it . Another example of this is the way that Lennie keeps postulation George to tell him about what it would be like if they had land Now tell how it is with us Lennie saysGeorge replies saying Were gonna get the jack together and were gonna have a little house and a couple of acres an a cow and some pigsJane and Helens relationship is that of an older and younger sister. Helen passes on advice and words of wisdom to Jane while Jane helps Helen to be more outspoken and less reserved.Helen Burns and Jane Eyre know how to hold a conversation unlike George and Lennie who have to put up with awkward silences throughout the story . Also Helen and Jane are of similar character, much different to George and Lennie who are very different. I say because Lennie has the intelligence of a child where as George is far more advanced.Jane and Helens first conversationIs your book interesting?I like itWho was Naomi Brocklehurst?The lady who built the new part of this houseAnd what are the other teachers called?The one with red cheeks is called Miss SmithOf mice and men is set in Salinas valley, California. This was where John Steinbeck was born and which he knew all his life. Around this time The great depression had kicked into American society. This stemmed from the Wall Street crash in 1929. A lot of the American population had to move around the country due to the shortage of work. These sight were often poor and uneducated.Charlotte Bronte first published Jane Eyre under the name of Currer Bell in 1847. Bronte adopted this name because being a writer werent seen as correct jobs for women.At the time the book was published England was under the industrial reveloution. Children were often sent out to work at an early age because of their erects lack of income.In both Jane Eyre and Of Mice and Men the authors put across the theme of friendship by the way that they portray their characters.Jane and Helen are seen as sisters, isolation has led them to become closer to each other. George and Lennies friendship strengthens by the way that Lennie depends on and trusts George completely. They become so close that George is devastated when Lennies death separates them. The noxious side to the friendship is that if George did go on to lead a life that he has been threatening to lead without Lennie, that Lennie wouldnt be able to survive because he is completely dependant on George.All the characters share a dream whether its George and Lennies dream to have their own land or Jane and Helens to be free and make their own decisions.John Steinbeck shocks the audience in the last chapter in the way that Lennie dies. It was obvious that Lennie would soon get into trouble we know that trouble follows Lennie around because of the incidents in weed and the fight with Curley. We learn that the reason George kills Lennie is to save him from being hurt and tortured by the witch hunting ragtag and bobtail led by Curley. Lennies downfall was how he didnt know his own strength.Both characters die peacefully Lennie dies thinking of his dream about nourishment rabbits alfalfa on his own land while Helen dies pleased because she has taught Jane everything she knows.Both Charlotte Bronte and John Steinbeck use imagery to represent the friendships between characters. Examples of this is when the weather is wet, misty or dark it means the characters have fallen out or are going through a bad patch. When the weather is warm and sunny it shows the characters are getting along well and are happy.Finally I think the authors want us to reminisce on the friendships between the characters and how we w ould cope if we were in their shoes.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Foreign Auto Shop

Running Head Foreign Auto Shop Final Case Paper jose terrs Submitted To Dr. torres October 21ST, 2012 GEBB515 ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP top Many companies around the world have different styles of counselling. Some companies have laid back charabancs others have drill sergeant managers both types of managers argon alike and disliked. Management plays a very important role in any job field. The overall watch and leadership shown by the focus is what I think, constructs a business to a successful business.Every business needs a foundation. Once the foundation is settled, its dependable a step by step commitment with the owner and its leadership trend team. In this case analysis, Alan shows a melt down characteristic of a manger. But when things conk out serious, he has a strong willed go getter manger characteristic. The owner of the foreign auto shop has a much laid back personality informed to us by the case. Alan has a very well indirect requested leadership phase that umteen employees look for in a boss.Usual leadership situations in the auto repair shop brood of making sure every employee is doing the right job the right way, only with appear world to on top of them while they perform their work talent. The owner is besides head supervisor of the overall shop. He has 7 employees working(a) for his shop in which two of them (Gil & Hans) are the easiest to supervise due to the fact that they are more experienced in all subjects of the mechanical work field. Along with his other two employees (Bart & Herbie) which are dedicated in to their specific part of the mechanical workforce.Bart works more on motorcycles, whereas Herbie is a whiz at trouble shooting engine problems. Three other employees require closer supervision by Alan because they are slight skilled oriented. By going back to the abstract you will see how a foundation is needed to create a wonderful and successful business. Well Alan has his overall view of what he is dedic ated to, and has built a wonderful and creative team that are focused on making sure the client is always happy. Alans typical leadership style is considerately appropriate for his leadership situation.Alan is described to be a less on point supervisor amongst his employees. He knows that they are doing their job. He always makes himself available to on the floor to his employees if they are in need of any tending or have specific questions. His fairness and openness have earned him the continuing respect and trust if his employees. Sometimes always organism a mellow laid back kind of manager is not always a good thing also because many employees can take that and use it against the management.For example, perceive the manager being easy going and not too put forward can sometimes escalate to the actual employee not accomplishing his work end and just taking it easy. In this case, Alan shows his double side. Things are not always greener on the other side of the fence. There is truely something very fire regarding the cause and effect of running a laissez-faire organization, particularly corporations. Ultimately, when it comes to laid back management, it is not really a matter of whether to be lenient or not.Oftentimes, it is a matter of when to be indulgent, because there are certain circumstances that will cause either an advancement or failure. Laid back management is actually a good strategy. Needless to say, workers have to be entitled with certain rights and privileges. Lenient management is often the core of empowering the laborers. More often than not, empowering laborers be to boost the overall prosperity of the corporation. Oftentimes this may come into explicit forms of idealistic gestures, such as enabling the worker to make any constructive suggestions regarding the company policies.Some companies find this method too lenient to a point of negligence, but there are those that abide by its format. An example of a general tactic of promoting lenient management is the establishment of friendly relations with employees, although such a gesture could be taken as an extreme idealism for many traditional types of corporations. In certain ways, friendly relationship between the laborer and overseer would result to easy productivity because both parties could defer to one some other and even work together to overcome certain challenges.A friendly relationship is often deemed good like- brainiaced academic school of thought for the simple savvy that respect for fellow human beings, especially in terms of their dignity, is a non-negotiable aspect of civil law. Alans leadership style during the flood was put out to be his Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde side. When he noticed that the storm was advancing rapidly towards the valley where his shop is located, Alan to be on the safe side went out to frame up the windows of the clients cars that were in the parking lot waiting to be worked on.Then he noticed that the creek was already ri sing high and ran back to the shop but got soaked by the rain. His employees laughed at him for not having enough sense to come in out of the rain. After 15minutes of hard rain, he realized it wasnt just a rainstorm, but an actual flood. He ran into the shop and announced in a loud voice that the creek was flooding and instructed all his employees to do certain jobs but nobody seemed to be moving.An employee walked over to Alan and told him, does he really think its gonna flood because its rained like this before and it doesnt even tense up more than an inch. Alan looks at the employee in the eyes and interrupted his employee by saying in an assertive manner, Listen, ad listen good You and the rest of the crew are going to do what I say, and youre going to do it now We can talk later about whether it was a good idea. By advance out and managing in this manner, Alan shows himself to no longer be a mellow laid back manager but be an assertive and drill sergeant manager.Another ver y concrete situation from which laid back management will truly not go as planned is when the corporate heads issue an imperative massive quota on such a short deadline. For instance, bombarding laborers with tasks in streamline payroll processing. If the management allows the workers to have a say according to their preference, nobody would be willing to work with such a given condition. The grea stress error of imposing laissez-faire supervision is when it comes to the point that the laborers would feel entitled to defy a corporate order.There is a fine line between liberty and anarchy, and the latter could sometimes result from high expectations that are stifled by necessity. His effective behaviors were use as being an easy going manager when things are not a risk or are being done incorrectly and a serious go getter when he sees that his business is in danger or an employee is performing incorrectly. After the flood subsided his way of management was very well performed by sh owing each of his employees that he is highly appreciative of each contribution each employee performed while the flood was in effect.Assertiveness is a key component to being an effective manager, and is particularly important when dealing with difficult employees who thrive on testing your boundaries. Why do employees behave badly to begin with? Because the manager who is in authority is allowing them to behave that way, laid back managers Some techniques that can be used to father a more assertive and, therefore, more effective manager Set and communicate clear boundaries and expectations. Managers who fail to clearly define and consistently enforce boundaries are just asking for trouble from their employees. Your employees are not mind readers, Shepard emphasized. You have got to clearly, clearly, clearly define what you expect and what you will not tolerate. The good news, he pointed out, is that the firmer you are and the more people realize you dont budge, the less they w ill test the boundaries. Hold everyone accountable, even when you dont want to. You have an obligation to your company to do the right thing they are paying you to make the tough decisions, stated Shepard. You also owe it to your good employees not to let problem employees get away with things they shouldnt. Although this can be particularly hard when youre dealing with someone you like or with whom you empathize, said Shepard, you are a manager, not Dr. Phil. Dont get involved in personal lives. Dont stomp on your employees rights or be disrespectful. You dont have to be a jerk to be assertive, he noted. A dysfunctional, authoritarian manager will be able to get employees to comply, but not to commit. You want people to commit, because thats how you get your employees to give more than you ask for. Choose your battles carefully. A smart manager knows that its better to lose the battle, sometimes, in order to win the war, Shepard observed. Choosing not to fight a battle you know you cant win is a sign of wisdom, not weakness. Being assertive will earn you respect, but only few know how and when to become assertive. High level decision makers and managers are generally very assertive. However, if they use their positions of power and authority in order to belittle, intimidate, and control those beneath them, it will cause a lot of trouble and loss of respect over the long term.Employees will begin to resent such executives and managers. Their productivity will eventually begin to fall, and if the dogmatic behavior of the executives and managers continues, it will not be long before the organization begins experiencing a high employee turnover. To avoid this problem, it is important to understand the difference between being assertive and being an autocrat. While some managers avoid dictatorial behavior in favor of being dormant, this too is just as bad.The problem with passive managers is that employees often do not know what is expected of them, and they will often take the manager for granted. Employees may violate company policy while working in their department, and they will do this largely because they feel the passive manager will let them get away with it. A manager or executive who is assertive is an individual who maintains a balance between these two extremes. If you are passive or dictatorial, your behavior will have a negative preserve on your career sooner or later.A manager who is assertive is an individual who can lead their employees, and they can do it without having to use a firm hand, or raise their voice. Some managers do not understand the difference between assertiveness and aggression, so they choose to be passive. But there is a unfavourable difference between the two. An aggressive manager tends to be an individual who is quick to anger. They will usually bang their fists on the desk when an employee does something wrong, and they have no problem upbringing their voice or yelling at their subordinates.The aggressive manager will generally treat his employees like children. The problem with this form of behavior is that employees are not children, they are adults, and when you treat adults like children, they tend to harbor a great deal of resentment. The aggressive manager is also quick to criticize the work of his employees. If he sees something wrong with the work of his subordinate, he will be quick to point out all the negative aspects of it, as opposed to the positive aspects. In contrast, a passive manager is someone who is easy to walk over.Because he does not take things seriously, the employees will not take things seriously, and they will often do what they want despite the companys rules and regulations. The primary reason for this is because the passive manager does not bother to enforce the rules. A passive manager will typically avoid doing anything with his employees that talent cause conflict, as they do not want to disrupt the workings of their department. The iron ic thing about this view is that those who try to avoid conflict the some are the individuals who are most likely to run into it.While the assertive manager is not aggressive, they make everyone understand that their rules must be followed. In conclusion, changing Alans way of managing and supervising shouldnt be changed because of the way he makes himself available to his employees and thanking each employee for their contributions when the flood happened. Hi manner of managing is what makes his business what it is today. Having his clients respect and trust his provided services.References * Yukl, G. (2008). lead in organnizations. (7th ed. , pp. 259-257). Upper saddle River, New Jersey Pearson. * Exforsys Inc. (2009, January 29). Traits of an assertive manager. Retrieved from http//www. exforsys. com/career-center/assertive/traits-of-an-assertive-manager. html * Alexander Hamilton Institute. (2012, April 23). Keep employees in check through assertive management techniques. Retr ieved from http//www. businessmanagementdaily. com/19465/keep-employees-in-check-through-assertive-management-techniques * HR system The pros and cons of laid back manpower management. (2012, October 9). Retrieved from http//hrxpayroll. com/blog/hr-system-the-pros-and-cons-of-laid-back-manpower-management/ * Shannon, E. (2004, December 12). The six different types of managers and

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Assessment Of Special Education Centers And Its Impact Education Essay

The birth of any fool give the sack storage atomic number 18a a valuable offspring on the kineticss of the household. P bents and other kids in the household must undergo a assortment of revises to follow to the force per unit area of a naked as a jaybird member. The consequence of the birth of a handicapped kid on household can be even more profound. The physically challenged kids are often characterized by extremes of behaviours, which in some instances influence the interactions they have with levys and siblings. The excess attention and contingent adjustments are required by them. Families of physically challenged kids likely vary in their behaviour, social attitude and household relationships as compared to households who do non hold handicapped kids ( Hussain and Juyal, 2007 ) .Disability could be seeable or unseeable, impermanent or lasting. The first major and domineering record of handicapped individuals in Pakistan is available from 1961 nose count. Harmonizing to this record about 2 per centum of the population suffered from all sorts of modifyments, inquisitively the kids of age group 0-14 old ages by and by the initial crisis, many parents develop healthy and constructive attitude towards their disabled kids maximal population of Pakistan lives in rural countries so bulk of the kids are born(p) and brought up at that place. The overall status of our small towns gives their life as start with multiple disadvantages. They suffer from unwellness caused by malnutrition and non-hygienic status. The state of affairs of disabled kids is far from satisfactory. The causes of this calamity are poorness, ignorance, malnutrition, hapless lodging installations, unequal health care and environment act as a accelerator for infection. Good physical and mental growing can non be achieved in an environment where there is poorness and wretchedness, nutrient and shelter is unequal and wellness services are either missing or highly unequal. The inaus picious societal, economic and environmental conditions can be considered responsible for the hapless rational public presentation of many kids, who in more favourable environment could develop abilities within a spectrum. ( David, 1978 )Education of the disable kids was considered as useless exercising. The premise was in past that a disable individual could neer go an built-in member of the society. Persons with professional expertness to learn handicapped kids were non available and there was no substructure to back up the control, preparation and rehabilitation of limited kids. The clip has changed and the instruction of disable has started with a focal point. A gradual realisation has emerged that the instruction of a disable kid is every potato chip of import as the instruction of an able bodied chief watercourse kid. The particular(a) school system evolved in Pakistan every bit early as first decennary of 20th century, nevertheless the schools are non in sufficient Number ss to provide all the particular kids. The function of non-government organisations ( NGOs ) is really in-chief(postnominal) in the development of particular instruction in Pakistan. The installations to back up higher instruction for particular people in colleges and universities are non available. The mainstream schools do non hold instructors and equipment to suit particular kids ( Ali, 2003 ) .One-fourth of the instructors believed that they had sufficient schoolroom clip for inclusion attempts, that they were presently watchful to learn pupils with disablements, or that they would have sufficient preparation for inclusion attempts. These findings were interpreted as support for the premise that instructors viewed pupils with disablements in the context of the world of the general instruction schoolroom instead than as support for the prevailing attitudes about integrating. General instruction instructors therefore demonstrated certain reluctance about inclusion that must be addressed if such a constitution alteration was to be successful ( Welch, 1989 ) .The accent on particular instruction as a topographic point deflected att revokeing off from the fact that particular instruction was a more comprehensive procedure whose existent kineticss were major subscribers to its success or failure A important portion of the particular instruction procedure was represented in the beliefs and actions of general instruction. An incorporate system means that particular instruction can non move independently as a separate system, tho must explicate policy in response to the attitudes, perceptual experiences, and behaviours of general instruction ( Gallagher, 1994 ) .Consideration for the subscribes of pupils of particular school is the most cardinal facet of particular instruction. It non merely assist instructors to be after, invent and implement modified course of study but besides steer them to make congenial schoolroom environment, format sensation educati onal programs, arrange suited educational resources, follow effectual instruction schemes, and choice appropriate rating methods to better the larning out comes of particular kids. Parents themselves nurse their disable kid to particular school where the school staff entree their demands without following any standardised method for measuring the degree of kid s disablement. Consequently, a really small item about the particular educational demands of the assessed kid is available which is non sufficient for instructors to invent effectual educational programs and set up appropriate resources for such kids ( Coenen et al 2006 ) .The issues refering instruction of disabled kids and sociological positioning are globally highlighted by societal scientist. The complexness in the nature of jobs has farther demanded prudent attempts particularly in traditional societies of developing states. Dera Ghazi Khan remained distant and disadvantaged territory of Punjab in footings of resource allotment yet the organism and sustainability of particular instruction centres will find the socio economic position of disabled kids. The rating of centres will assist in finding the demands and jobs of these incapacitated population strata. In this remark the present survey will be lending a significant portion in bettering the efficiency of services provided to disable kids.Main aims of the survey areTo analyze the jobs and jeopardies faced by disabled kids in particular instruction centre.To entree the feel of services being offered to particular kids in their centres.To do suggestions for policy shapers to minimise the dependence of particular kids.REVIEW OF LITERATUREMext ( 2002 ) explored that instruction system for kids with particular demands was switching to particular support instruction at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Ministry of instruction, civilization, athleticss, scientific discipline and engineering mentioned that the particular support instruction is a primary accelerator for the advancement toward an equal chance society for all kids including persons with disablements. The chief draw rein of particular support instruction is run intoing single demands of each kid. A womb-to-tomb support system shall be developed through co-operation among every sphere in society to advance kids s liberty and engagement in all societies.Ali ( 2003 ) studied the development of particular instruction web in historical position and the nature and set some steps for its betterment. In her survey she designed assorted instruments and conducted interviews of the particular pedagogues, support professionals, parents of particular kids and particular individuals. She found that the parent engagement in the instruction of particular kids is at minimum. A portion from this she besides concluded that huge bulk of parents of particular kids of all classs and particular individuals are non to the full satisfied with the instruction being given to thei r kids. She besides concluded that the function of non-government organisations ( NGOs ) was really important in the development of particular instruction in Pakistan nevertheless the installations to back up higher instruction for particular people in colleges and universities were non available.Alam et Al ( 2005 ) studied the behaviour of parents towards physically handicapped kids in capital of Pakistan metropolis by questioning method. They found that a major proportion of the respondents had intermediate to graduation degrees of instruction. About 30 % of the respondent s kids suffered from deaf and pig and blind. Majority of the respondents s fear that their kids were physical disableds since birth.Kitcher et Al ( 2005 ) studied that behavioural upsets were non merely really straitening to multiply disabled patients and their households but besides had a negative electrical shock on their acquisition at school or other installation, peer relationships and societal competenc y, so more attending should be paid to name ( take note and classify ) and sharply treat behavioural upsets by pharmacological, educational and environmental intercessions.Kazimi ( 2007 ) reported that in Pakistan, three systems of Education at present operate 1. conventionalism schools 2.Special Education Schools and 3. Inclusive Schools. In the last named particular pupils of merely the lower categories were accommodated. She argued that jobs associated with workings environment in Pakistan were broad ranging and have really terrible consequence on the personality of the individual, particularly when working with kids in particular scene or in inclusive scenes with mental deceleration or physical damage. further more, Teachers really frequently experience stress due to professional demands and equivocal occupation description, parental force per unit area, non-supportive behaviour and deficiency of pupil motive. Similarly, Teachers working in mainstream inclusive instruction p uting experience less emphasis.Molnara et Al ( 2008 ) reported the instruction of the extroverted coevals was ever a hard undertaking and this was peculiarly true for those educational institutes where pupils necessitating particular intervention were educated. These pupils were frequently educationally challenged, mentally challenged or multi-challenged. They present an international co-operation lasting for three old ages whose premier end was to build non-language-dependent package for disabled kids. They introduce the establishments taking portion in the development, the procedure of the plan s creative activity, the stairss to use the plan and the possibilities and methods of betterment.Rao ( 2008 ) studied the individuals with disablements enjoyed co-existence, though at different times, the intervention and attitudes were at discrepancy. Out of all the types of disablements, an rational disablement airss greater challenges than the other types. The households of individuals w ith rational disablements did besides have demands different from others, which can non be segregated from the demands of kids with rational disablement. The subject Institute for the Mentally Handicapped had developed many service theoretical accounts and contributed toward human resource development and research. National Policy has besides considered as important the development of human resources for supplying instruction to all kids with disablements in the general instruction watercourse. Many mileposts have been remaining behind in the way, important proceedings have been made and chances have been created for the handicapped.Fletcher ( 2009 ) studied the pupils with a schoolmate with serious emotional job experience decreases in first-grade mental test tonss, particularly pupils in low-income schools and within schools utilizing school-level fixed effects specifications were qualitatively similar. The magnitude of the decrease in mathematics accomplishment was about 30-6 0 per centum of the size of the adjusted black-white accomplishment spread. Since about 10 per centum of the pupil population has a schoolmate with a serious emotional job, the aggregative consequence on trial tonss of the policy of including these pupils is potentially rather big.Nabeel ( 2009 ) stated that Department of particular instruction Allama Iqbal Open University ( AIOU ) through distance acquisition system offers study/training at alumnus, Masterss and Ph. D. degrees. Teachers are prepared in 6 specialised countries of ocular Impairment, physical disablements, hearing damage, rational disablement, larning disablement and inclusive instruction. Each pupil is assigned to a coach who is a capable specializer. The particular instructor readying theoretical account through distance instruction system is highlighted.Pasha ( 2009 ) assessed that no standardised method is being used for particular instruction. In Pakistan International Classification of Functioning has emerged as a standardised method for mensurating wellness and disablement at both single and population a degree. He explored the range of ICF in the field of particular instruction and has established links between ICF classs and course of study countries, schoolroom activities and larning aims for bettering the quality of instruction. Further research has been recommended to happen solutions to get the better of the initial jobs in accommodating ICF model in the field of Particular Education in Pakistan.VI. corporal AND METHODSThe proposed survey will be conducted in three Government particular instruction centres viz. D.G.Khan, Sakhi Sarwar and Kot Chutta of Tehsil Dera Ghazi Khan. A sample of 40 handicapped pupils will be selected through simple random trying technique from each particular instruction centre. Thus a sample of 120 respondents will be interviewed with the aid of good structured questionnaire. Data will be analyzed by appropriate statistical technique. The information obtai ned will be utilized to better particular instruction of disable kids.LITERATURE CITEDAlam, A. , H. Noureen, N. Akhtar, M. Imran, I. Iqbal and M. Jamil. 2005. Behavior of parents towards physically handicapped kids. J. Agri. Soc. Sci. 1 ( 1 ) 1813-2235.Ali, A. K. 2003. A historical and appraising survey of particular instruction in Pakistan. Ph.D. thesis, University of Karachi, Karachi.Coenen, M. , A. Cieza, T.A. Stamm, E. Amann, B. Kollerits and G. Stucki. 2006. substantiation of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and wellness arthritis research & A therapy 8 ( 4 ) 35-47.David, T.1978. The societal psychological science of electric razorhood disablement, Methuen and co. Ltd. London, 11 ( 4 ) 112-113.Fletcher, J. M. 2009. The set up Of inclusion on schoolmates of pupils with particular demands The instance of serious emotional jobs. A Edu. Fin. Ass. 4 ( 3 ) 278-299.Gallagher, J. J. 1994. The pull of social forces on particular instruction. J. of Specia l Edu, 27 ( 2 ) 521-530.Hussain, A. and I.Juyal. 2007. Stress assessment and get bying schemes among parents of physically challenged kids. jamia millia islamia, new Delhi j. of the Indian academy of applied psychological science. 33 ( 2 ) 179 -182.Kazimi, A. B. 2007. A critical summary of the emphasis bring oning factors in particular and inclusive instruction system. J.Manag. Soc. Sci.3 ( 2 ) 87-93.Kitchener, N. , M. Khalaf, A. Raouf, and N. Nagy. 2005. Behavioral upset in multiple disabled Egyptian kids. the international J. of child neuropsychiatry. 2 ( 1 ) 89-96.Mext.2002. Particular Support Education in Japan, hypertext transfer protocol //, I. T. , T. Radvanyib and E. Kovacsb. 2008. The use of altered ict in the instruction of kids with particular educational demand in different states of Europe. Ann. Math et inf. 35 189-204.Nabeel, T. 2009. Teacher instruction for distance acquisition based particular instructio n in Pakistan.j.Dis.Edu.10 ( 1 ) 83-95.Pasha, S. 2009. Scope of icf in particular instruction in Pakistan. J. Of research and contemplations in edu. 3 ( 1 ) 34-48.Rao, L. G. 2008. Education of individuals with rational disablements in India.Salud Publica Mex. 50 ( 2 ) 205-212.Welch, M. 1989. A cultural position and the 2nd moving ridge of educational reform. J. of Learning Disabilities. 22 ( 3 ) 537-540.Student Hammad Ahmad ______________Supervisory CommitteeMs. Sumaira Bano ( Chairperson ) _______________Mr. Muhammad Ali Tarar ( Member ) _______________Mr. Muhammad Ali ( Member ) _______________ForwardedHead of SectionSocial Sciences and Rural growingCollege of land,Dera Ghazi Khan.Scrutiny commissionaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa ) Dr. Shafqat Nawaz B ) Dr. Muhammad Mudassar Maqboolaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaadegree Celsius ) Mr. Muhammad Shahid Nisar vitamin D ) Dr. Fida HussainForwardedaaaaaaaaaaaPrincipalCollege of Agriculture Dera Ghazi KhanSub-CampusUniversity of Agriculture Faisal abad

Monday, May 20, 2019

Use a Diary System

Explain the conclusion of development a daybook frameThe purpose of using daybook system isto be organized remember approximately shocks and important designate to do keeping within the time frame cooperation with colleague control deadline and condition newDescribe different shells of diary systems (for employment paper, electronic etc) My diary systemElectronic outlook diary system where every told meeting, task can be set up, amend and send by mail to everybody, tripping to control by set up reminder, showing automatically if race with who we want meet be available in specific time.Sticky nones quick and easy to record important information for example task to do for to mean solar day, kept on the desk visible.Wall board sh ar for days, notes with information be sticky for adequate day and throw away as soon as been completed. Always available for all relevant people if Im not in the office.Describe the purpose of obtaining relevant information roughly que st diary entries and changes. The purpose of obtaining relevant information about diary entries and changes is so that all relevant people are aware of what the meeting/appointment is, and where it is. So they are able to ensure that they are available and in the correct place at the correct time. You also thrust to make sure that any requested changes do not have a knock on effect.Describe the types of information wished for diary entriesThe type of information required would be dates and times for the entry also any information relating to the entry, for example, if it is for a meetingthe place, what it is about and request of confirmation people attending. If it was a deadline for a task it is useful to have notes about what take aims to have been through with(p) so this can be checked off.Explain how to prioritise requestsIt is best to priorities requests in chronological order so that the most recent are done first and then(prenominal) if on that point are any immediate changes the relevant people can be notified in time. Explain the purpose of prioritising requestsExplain the purpose of trying to balance the needs of all those involved The purpose of trying to balance is undeniable to complied all task in time frame suitable for all involved.Explain the purpose of communicating changes to those abnormal It would be a futile waste of others time and resources if they proceeded with a project that was now defunct because you had not advised them this was no longer an operating practice.It is good practice and beneficial to all if you are all singing from the same song sheet and all know the correct procedures and why such procedures are in place.Explain the purpose of keeping a diary system up to datekeep me up date and with all important appointment help me control the time frame can be helpful to set up deadline for a task work out which task need to be completed before other can be startedDescribe the different types of problems that may occur when new requests are made and solutions to these problems. Late rescue of product the most important things is for who it is?For factory try to get delivery ASAP and keep an eye of everything what is coming to do not miss delivery what we waiting for. testify reception about this in case that delivery will come first there then inform everybody what waiting asap to avoid possible delaysin production what also can profess despatch and transport work.For reload regular or just single transport then we have to find out how big is delay and that transport can wait or other need to be organize.Explain the purpose of following security and confidentiality procedures when using a diary system To avoid pass on information to nobody that shouldnt receive what can have bad effects. To help with it I need Not allow computer screens to be collectn by unauthorized people Ensure people cant see confidential documents that arent meant for them Log off your computer if it is unattended Use computer passNow you need to give me some examples of when you have done the following, please try and use print screens of your work to show that you have done theseShow me how you have made diary entries accurately and clearly and explain how you obtained the information to make diary entries (for example was this from a job sheet, or did you receive a phone call advising of the change etc)By entering all received information phone calls, emails, By receiving appointment alerts printing and sticky to the boardInformation for allInformation just for meHow do you keep the diary up to date and store it securely? (for example if you are using an electronic system this could be by having to use passwords etc for security and data security measure reasons) recording all information straight away in calendar instead of recording on paper what is easy to lost print or write received informationremoving or blue-pencil as soon as been completed

Sunday, May 19, 2019

National Food Security Bill 2013 Essay

Only three percent of Indians remune dimensionn income tax our tax-GDP ratio is among the lowest in the world. This must change. Our elites must realise that Indias poverty has damaging consequences for them, and that they can help decrease it. The food security bill, with all its limitations, will hopefully contri exactlye to generating such awareness, offers Praful Bidwai.After vacillating for years over taking any pro-people measures, the United Progressive Alliance in conclusion did something bold and worthy by having the National Food Security circular passed in Parliament a promise made in the UPAs first 100 days agenda after its event to power in 2009.The Bill won a resounding victory in the Lok Sabha, with a delimitation exceeding 100, because non-UPA parties including the Janata Dal-United, the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam and even the Shiv Sena felt they had no choice but to support it. It sailed through the Rajya Sabha too.The stage was stipulate by a rare, spirited speech by Congress president Sonia Gandhi, in which she described the statute law as Indias chance to make history by abolishing hunger and malnutrition, and emphasised that India cannot afford not to have the law The question is not whether we can raise the resources or not. We have to do it.The NFSB has invested meaning, public direct and a degree of legitimacy into the UPAs otherwise corruption-ridden, shoddy and often appalling performance in government under an increasingly right-leaning leadership. This at once put the Bharatiya Janata Party on the defensive. Its leaders were trim back to opposing a measure that represents genuine social progress, and making thought niggling statements about the Bill world about vote security, not food security.The BJP now has nothing to offer to the nation but obscurantist programmes like building a temple at Ayodhya, and parochial, and predatory pro-corporate agendas under Narendra Modis rabidly communal leadership.The Bill is open to the criticism that it doesnt go far enough. Instead ofuniversalising subsidised food provision, it confines it to two-thirds of the population, and truncates it notwith bandstanding by limiting the food quota to five kilos of grain per capita per month instead of the 35 kg per family demanded by right-to-food campaigners. The per capita quota puts small households, such as those headed by widows and single women, at a disadvantage.A universalised Public dissemination System, covering the entire population, has been proved to be more effective and little pr mavin to leakage than one targeted at below-poverty-line groups in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and even poor, backward Chhattisgarh. The relatively well-off wont stand in queues at ration shops they select themselves out of a universal PDS.Besides, a large proportionality even of those officially defined as poor dont possess BPL ration cards. The ratio can be as high as 40 percent in some extremely deprived states. The latest Nationa l Sample Survey reveals that 51 percent of rural people possessing less than one-hundredth of a hectare of land have no ration cards of any kind less than 23 percent have BPL cards.The problem of identifying the poor remains unresolved. Nevertheless, the broader coverage proposed under the NFSB and the simple, attractive formulation of rice at Rs 3 per kg, wheat at Rs 2, and coarse grains at Re 1 mark a definite improvement over the current situation. It creates a right or entitlement for the poor, which can go some way in reducing acute hunger.However, right-wing commentators, including neo-liberal economists, credit-rating agencies, multinational and Indian big business, and writers/anchors in the media, have vitriolically attacked the NFSB as an instance of reckless populism.Some claim it will do to little to relieve malnutrition among Indian children, almost one-half of whom suffer from it. Yet others contend that the poor dont want or deserve subsidies they aspire to insti tute, earn more and eat better.And almost all of them say the NFSB will entail excessive wastefulexpenditure of Rs 1.25 lakh crores. This will aggravate Indias maturement fiscal crisis and further depress already faltering GDP growth, now down to four-five percent. Eventually, this will work against the poor. Besides, if investment and growth are to be revived, India cant spend so much on food security.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Bio 101 Review Questions

Review Questions 1. The organic molecule produced outright by photosynthesis is b) sugar 2. The photosynthetic assist removes E) carbon dioxide from the environment. 3. The process of splitting water to release hydrogen and electrons occurs during the _____ process. a) put down dependent 4. The process of fixing carbon dioxide into dineros occurs in the ____ process. b) light independent. 5. Carbon dioxide enters the leaf through b) stomata. 6. The cellular trance process by which carbon dioxide enters a leaf (and by which water vapour and oxygen exit) is ___. ) Diffusion 7. Which of the following creatures would not be an autotroph? c) fish 8. The process by which most(prenominal) of the worlds autotrophs make their food is known as ____. b) Photosynthesis 9. The process of ___ is how ADP + P are converted into adenosine triphosphate during the Light dependent process. c) chemiosmosis 10. Once ATP is converted into ADP + P, it must be ____. b) recharged by chemiosmosis 11. primarily speaking, the longer the wave lenght of light, the ___ available heftiness of that light. a) smaller 12.The section of the electromagnetic spectrum used for photosynthesis is ___. d) visible light 13. The colors of light in the visible range (from longest wavelength to shortest) is ___. a) ROYGBIV 14. The photosynthetic pigment that is essential for the process to occur is ___. a) chlorophyll 15. When a pigment reflects red light, _____. d) red light is reflected, all others are abstracted 16. Chlorophyll a absorbs light energy in the ____color range. e) b and c 17. A photosystem is ___. b) a gathering of photosynthetic pigments arranged in a thylakjoid membrane. 8. The individual flattened stacks of membrane material within the chloroplast are known as ___. c) thylakoids. 19. The fluid-filled area of the chloroplast is the ___. b) stroma 20. The chloroplast contains all of these except ___. e) endoplasmic reticulum 21. The chloroplasts of plants are most slopped in s ize to __. d) bacteria in the human mouth 22. Which of these photosynthetic organisms does not have a chloroplast? c) cyanobacteria 23. The photoelectric effect refers to ____. c) emission of electrons from a metal when struck by any wavelength of light. 24.Light of the viridity wavelengths is commonly absorbed by which accessory pigment? b) chlorophyll b 25. The function of the electron transport proteins in the thyakoid membranes is ___. c) Pumping of hydrogen into the thylakoid space for later generation of ATP by chemiosmosis. 26. ATP is known as the energy currency of the cell because ____. a) ATP is the most readily usable form of energy for cells. 27. both(prenominal) cyclic and noncyclic photophosphorylation produce ATP. We can infer that the purpose of ATP in photosynthesis is to c) supply energy that can be used to form a carbohydrate. 8. The role of NADPH in oxygen-producing photosynthesis is to ____. b) supply carbon to the carbohydrate 29. The dark reactions require a ll of these chemicals to proceed except ___. e) oxygen 30. The first immutable chemical make by the Calvin Cycle is _____. c ) PGA 31. The hydrogen in the carbohydrate produced by the Calvin Cycle comes from ___ b) NADPH 32. The carbon compound into the carbohydrate comes from ___. c) carbon dioxide 33. C-4 photosynthesis is so named because _____. b) it produces a four carbon compound as the first stable products of photosynthesis.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Strategy in Global Context

Strategy in Global Context January 29 2010 Submitted To Mr. Nirmaalya B Biswas Submitted By Jaskaran Singh Apoorva Veeksha Rai Robin Gupta ? delay of Contents Executive Summary3 Introduction4 international Environment5 Internal Assessment6 organizational Purpose8 Strategy Analysis and Choice9 Current Strategy11 Conclusion11 Bibliography12 Annexure-113 EFE intercellular substance13 Annexure-214 Per capita income14 Annexure-315 IFE Matrix15 Annexure-416 The Internal External (IE) Matrix16 Annexure-517The railway yard Strategy Matrix17 Annexure-618 QSPM18 ? Executive Summary McDonalds is a signature eating house chain dower 58 million customers each day all over the world through its 31000 eating houses in 119 countries. This melodic theme views the various internal and outdoor(a) factors affecting the McDonalds prior to that the topic gives a brief knowledgeableness about McDonalds, its evolution and the bureau it entered the Indian trade. Evaluation of the response M cDonalds is giving to the internal and external factors has been calculated through the Internal Factor Evaluation matrix and External Factor Evaluation matrix.We get used the I/E matrix and the Grand dodging matrix to editionulate strategies. We formulated twain possible strategies i. i. expansion in the grocery and carrefour increase. The strategies that we formulated using the above stated matrices direct been evaluated by using the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix to know which strategy is more viable. Furthermore, the name provides an insight into the organizational purpose of the McDonalds. Current strategies and recommendations include the analysis of the strategies that McDonalds is using to hold and moderate its competitive advantage.Introduction McDonalds is the givingst burger flying intellectual nourishment chain which has its operations in 119 countries. It serves around 58 million customers every(prenominal) day through its more than 31,000 restaura nts (McDonalds, 2009). McDonalds was started by two br others Dick and mac McDonalds in the year 1940. Ray Kroc became the first franchisee as he opened a restaurant in Chicago. Restaurant became so popular among the masses that in just four years the chip of McDonalds restaurants reached 100. QSCV i. e.Quality, Service, Cleanliness and Value became the motto of the company and the execution of the same is unitary of the primary reasons why McDonalds is what it is today. In 1961, Ray Kroc payed $2. 7 million to Dick and Mac McDonalds and acquired all the rights reserved of McDonalds. McDonalds was emergence at such a fast speed that in 1963, 500th restaurant was opened. In 1965, McDonalds went public and in 1967 first restaurant across the borders of ground forces was opened in Canada and since accordingly McDonalds has never looked back.Presently McDonalds has its restaurants in 119 countries of the world (McDonalds History, 2009). McDonalds got the approval to enter in the I ndian market in the year 1991 itself but it took 5 years to study the market, needs of the people, mark the menu according to the culture and to build a strong supply chain. McDonalds finally entered India in 1996 as it opened its first restaurant in New Delhi. McDonalds is a joint describe believe in India, which was signed in April 1995 and is managed and owned by Mr. Amit Jatia (MD of Hardcastle Restaurants private Ltd. who heads the operations in South and westerly India and by Connaught Plaza restaurants Private Ltd. which looks after the operations in North and East India. There be 158 restaurants in the whole untaught today (About McDonalds, 2009). McDonalds has always believed in thinking global and playacting local. Before entering into the Indian market McDonalds made to changes in its menu as in India beef and pork items give the gatenot be offered because of the religious sentiments of the people so they had to be eliminated from the menu.Thus, making India the f irst rural where McDonalds does not serve beef and pork in its burgers. External Environment External factors be the factors which do not exist at heart the realm of business itself and on which business has no conquer at all. We know used the EFE Matrix to conduct an external strategic oversight audit (Annexure-1 shows the EFE matrix). The check weighted score of McDonalds is 3. 04 this shows that it is performing with regards to the external factors in a very good manner. consort to Technopark report in 2009 the food industry in India stood at $13 billion and estimates say that by the end of 2011 the fast food industry alone go forth grow to $6. 3 billion (Economic Times, 2010). The Technopark report likewise says that in spite of appearance the organized food supporter which is exploitation at a furious measure of 20% per annum the quick service restaurants argon the fastest growing. This forms a huge opportunity for McDonalds and it is headstrong to grab that opp ortunity with both the hands as it is planning to open 180-190 more restaurants in the untaught by the year 2015 (Financial Express, 2009).McDonalds is determined to expand its market sh ar in the industry which is growing at a fast pace. The other reasons which are triggering this expansion are the superior youth existence in the country and rebellion in urbanization and per capita income. These reasons develop the mod opportunities for McDonalds. Population living in the urban areas has too increased to 28% in 2004 and is expected to be increase by another(prenominal) 12% by year 2025 (Indian Demographic Scenario,2025, 2009). In urban areas the number of dual income plates is increasing.Thus females, give care their husbands, spend time away from home which has marked the way the females use to mange family meals. People overhear started opting for food away from home. Per capita income in India is to a fault increasing very rapidly and moreover according to the World c hoice Institute report Structure of poverty in India which was published in the 2004 around 53% of the household income in India is dog-tired on food, beverages and around Rs. 35000 crores is spent on eating out annually (Annexure-2 shows the rise in per capita income). Thus, the fast food industry has good prospects ahead.Other key external factor that forms an opportunity for the fast food industry as a whole and also for McDonalds is the fact that 30% of the population of the country is the youth which is in the age group of 10-24 years of age who are by and large inclined towards the fast foods (Youth in India, 2009). Rising consciousness about the health forms one of the greatest threats for the fast food industry. The write out has been changing towards the organic foods and the quick service restaurants will have to adapt themselves to throw their market share. McDonalds has slowly started to adapt to this change by introducing salads.For the foreign fast food chain hom ogeneous McDonalds, KFC etc. nationalism remains a constant threat for example when in 2005 USA denied a diplomatic visa to the Gujarat Chief Minister Mr. Narendra Modi, various protests were launched by the BJP party activists against the American MNCs. first barriers to entry in the fast food industry is also a potential threat for the players in the market because if the barriers are low and the growth opportunities of the industry are high, smart players will be unbidden to enter into the market and therefrom increasing the competition.Internal Assessment Internal factors are the factors which exist within the realm of business itself and on which business exercise certain amount of control. We have used the IFE Matrix to conduct an internal strategic management audit (Annexure-3 shows the IFE matrix). The descend weighted score of McDonalds is 3. 14, which path that it is performing with regards to these factors in an exceedingly well manner. McDonalds is a well cognize and a recognize inciter across the globe. This familiarity of the brand among the masses forms one of the biggest strengths for McDonalds.Efficient supply chain is one of the other key strengths for McDonalds. In India 50,000 crores of food produced gets destroyed because of lack of proper infrastructural facilities of transportation and storage. McDonalds had set up an efficient supply chain by investing 450 crores in supply chain management even out before opening its first restaurant in India to implement its Quality, Service, Cleanliness and Value principle (About McDonalds, 2009). For any business, employees form the greatest asset and it is even truer in case of McDonalds.The proficient work force that McDonalds has is one of the key reasons why it is one of the key players in the market today. The ability to provide the order within one minute is one such manifestation of this proficiency. The efficiency of the employees is also increased because of the various reading p rogrammes they go through which help them in performing their tasks quickly and in a better way but also enhances their capabilities which help them rise in their careers. Around 40% of the employees in middle management of McDonalds in India are the ones who had joined as crew members.Business environment is very high-energy no business can afford to remain static it has to work continuously towards innovation. Nearly 80% of McDonalds restaurants in India give certain lot of their profits for research and development activities. This is another great strength for McDonalds. McDonalds has its operations in 119 countries one of the key reasons for the McDonalds is the ability to make itself a part of the community. In India also McDonalds has been a part of various social welfare activities like raising funds for charity on Worlds Children Day, helping in setting up pulse polio to eliminate polio.McDonalds strategy revolved around customization of the menu to suit the Indian pala te. (About McDoanlds, 2009) One of the key weaknesses that McDonalds has is that it faces a high attrition ratio as high as 83%, which means that company has to invest money for training of new employees again and again. (Business Standard, 2009) McDonalds lots faces protests from environmentalists for promoting practices harmful to the environment through the disposal of tons of packaging material and through the effects of cows ranching.Another internal weakness for McDonalds is that is yet to gain on the trend towards organic food. notwithstanding though it has reacted to the changing preferences of the consumers by introducing salads in the menu but it is still to make the most of the opportunity. Organizational Purpose Clearly defined organizational purpose is very important for an organization as it describes the solid ground for its existence. It works as a directing force on the basis of which every decision is taken. The organizational purpose can be known with the hel p of three elements which are 1. Vision . Mission 3. design McDonalds vision is to be the worlds beat quick service restaurant experience. (emailprotecteds, 2010) world the best means offering excellent fictitious character, service, cleanliness and value, so that it makes each customer in every restaurant smile. It has been the execution of the motto of QSC and V i. e. Quality, Service, Value and Cleanliness that has made McDonalds a success story. It strategizes to attain best value by providing top quality carrefours at reasonable prices. McDonalds mission is to be its customers favorite topographic point and way to eat.To fulfill this McDonalds has been using the concentration strategy where in it is severe for greater market penetration by attaining high level of efficiency in servicing its customers with a limited product line. Delivery of QSC and V on one hand keeps the customers satisfied and on the other hand also maintains the competitive edge over the competitors. The delivery of QSC and V is accomplished by taking care of every minute detail whether it is the unique cold chain network which makes sure that the customers get fresh products at low cost or the supply chain management which makes sure that customers are offered good quality products. About McDoanlds, 2009) Moreover to keep the customers satisfied McDonalds continuously updates its menu. Strategy Analysis and Choice In the IFE matrix the total weighted score came out to be 3. 14 and in the EFE matrix the total weighted score was 3. 04. This means that McDonalds is responding to the internal and external factors in a good way. We have used I/E matrix to come out with a strategy for McDonalds on the basis of its score in the IFE and EFE matrix (Annexure-4 shows the I/E matrix). The basis f I/E matrix are the total weighted score of the IFE matrix which is represented on X bloc and the weighted score of EFE matrix is represented on Y axis. The I/E matrix is carve up in three regio ns which have strategy implication. Quadrants I, II and IV are the regions of grow and build. Firms which position in Quadrant III, V and VII can be managed with hold and maintain strategy where as the organizations positioned in Quadrant VI, VIII and IX can be managed with harvest and divest strategy. McDonalds is set(p) in the I/E matrix it comes in the Quadrant-I because of its score in the IFE and EFE matrix which is 3. 4 and 3. 04 respectively. The business organizations which are positioned in Quadrant I can be best managed through grow and build strategy. The Grand Strategy Matrix is another widely used tool for formulating strategies. A firm can be positioned in the four quadrants on the basis of market growth and competitive position that it holds in the market. When we placed McDonalds in the Grand Strategy Matrix it was positioned in Quadrant I mainly because of its high market share of 18% in the highly fragmented quick service restaurant and also because of rapid growth of the quick service restaurant industry itself. Financial Express, 2009)Thus, McDonalds is in a strong strategic position (Annexure-5 shows the Grand strategy matrix). For the firms in Quadrant I market penetration, market development and product development are appropriate strategies. By using the Grand strategy matrix and Internal/External matrix we have come up with two strategies which are expansion in the market i. e. opening more restaurants in the country and the other strategies is product development which is developing the new products and continuously updating the menu in order to pull more customers.Need for product development arises specially because of the rising health consciousness among the people particularly in the educated shed light on. To identify which strategy is more feasible we have used the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix popularly known as QSPM. QSPM is a strategic management tool to evaluate which of the possible strategies is better for the b usiness organization. In QSPM weights and benignant scores are given to each factor according to the amount of effect it can have on each strategy and then the product of weight and attractive score is calculated.The product for whichever strategy is greater is selected. We used two strategies expansion in the market and product development, the total attractive score for expansion in the market is 3. 37 and for product development is 2. 60. Thus, opening more restaurants is a more viable strategy than product development. Currently McDonalds has 157 restaurants all over India, majority of these are in the metropolitan cities or in larger cities like Chandigarh, Kanpur, Jaipur so it has very less or limited presence in littler cities.So, McDonalds should target these cities as they form a large potential market for it. With the per capita income on rise, high youth population in the country and increasing urbanization the junior-gradeer cities can prove promising markets for McDo nalds. If we look at the current plans of McDonalds it becomes clear that they have spotted this opportunity as they are planning to open 180 restaurants by the year 2015 majority of these restaurants will be opened in smaller cities. Retail initiatives are being taken up by petroleum companies like Bharat Petroleum Corporation. Financial Express, 2009) McDonalds can capitalize on this trend and can set up more outlets near the petrol stations on the highways and can thus increase its presence. Current Strategy McDonalds is currently focusing on expanding its base in the Indian market. By the year 2015 McDonalds is planning to start around 180 more restaurants, majority of which will be opened in Tier II cities where McDonalds has very limited presence. (financialexpress, 2009) So, McDonalds is trying to penetrate very deep into the Indian market.McDonalds is also trying to come up with new products so as to satisfy its customers. Nearly 80% of McDonalds restaurants in India give ce rtain percentage of their profits for research and development activities which helps McDonalds in coming up with new products and efficient service. When McDonalds entered the Indian market it had to re-engineer its menu and since then it has included several products especially for the Indian customers as McDonalds believes in thinking global but acting local.McDonalds should continue with its strategy of expanding its base into the Indian market as still there are lot of untapped regional markets in the country especially in the Eastern India where it has less presence as compared to the other parts of the country. McDonalds should also thin on the smaller cities as large amount of population (nearly 177 million people) lives in smaller cities. So there is a huge market potential for McDonalds in Tier II and III cities. (Population in small cities, 2010) Conclusion The Indian Quick Service Restaurant industry is growing at a very fast pace.Per capita income, urbanization and you th population is also increasing in India. So India is a very potential and attractive market for the quick service restaurants. McDonalds should make the most of the opportunity and should penetrate deep into the market by increasing the number of restaurants in India. It should concentrate on increasing its base in the smaller cities which can form potential markets for McDonalds. References About McDonalds. (2009). Retrieved 2009, from mcdonaldsindia. com http//www. mcdonaldsindia. com/aboutus. hypertext markup language Brief history of McDonalds. (2009).Retrieved December 22, 2009, from mcspotlight. org http//www. mcspotlight. org/company/company_history. html Business Standard. (2009). Retrieved January 2010, from business-standard. com http//www. business-standard. com/india/storypage. php? autono=290494. Economic Times. (2010). Retrieved January 2010, from economictimes. indiatimes. com http//economictimes. indiatimes. com/News/articlelist/1715249553. cms Financial Express. ( 2009). Retrieved 2009, from financialexpress. com http//www. financialexpress. com/ news program/mcdonalds-india-to-open-180190-more-restaurants-by-2015/466279/ Financial Express. 2009, June). Retrieved January 2010, from financialexpress. com http//www. financialexpress. com/news/mcdonalds-to-invest-rs-400-cr-in-india/321481/ Financial Express. (2009). Retrieved January 2010, from financialexpress. com http//www. financialexpress. com/news/bpcl-plans-to-grow-in-retail-initiative/101536/ financialexpress. (2009). Retrieved 2009, from financialexpress. com 3. http//www. financialexpress. com/news/mcdonalds-india-to-open-180190-more-restaurants-by-2015/466279/ McDonalds. (2009). Retrieved January 2010, from aboutmcdonalds. com http//aboutmcdonalds. om/mcd/our_company. html McDonalds History. (2009). Retrieved January 2010, from aboutmcdonalds. com http//aboutmcdonalds. com/mcd/our_company/mcd_history. html Population in small cities. (2010). Retrieved January 2010, from infochangeindi a. org infochangeindia. org/ India/Cityscapes/Slumdogs-and-small-towns. html emailprotecteds. (2010). Retrieved 2010, from mcdonaldsindia. com http//www. mcdonaldsindia. com/workat. html Youth in India. (2009). Retrieved 2010, from www. popcouncil. org http//www. popcouncil. org/projects/TA_IndiaYouthSituationNeeds. html Annexure-1 EFE Matrix S. No.Key External FactorsWeightageRankWeighted realize 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. Opportunities Increasing urbanization High youth population Rise in per capita income Indian quick service industry expected to be around $6. 3 billion High proportion of household income spent on food and beverages. Threats Rising health consciousness Anti American sentiments Low barriers for entry 0. 10 0. 15 0. 10 0. 15 0. 10 0. 10 0. 10 0. 20 1. 00 4 3 3 4 3 4 2 2 0. 40 0. 45 0. 30 0. 60 0. 30 0. 40 0. 20 0. 40 3. 04 Annexure-2 Per capita income Annexure-3 IFE Matrix S. No. Key Internal FactorsWeightageRankWeighted Score 1. . 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. Stren gths High brand awareness Efficient supply chain Community involvement Efficient workforce World class training programmes Investment in research and development Quality of food Customization of menu Weaknesses High employee disturbance Less variety Environmental issues Yet to capitalize on trend towards organic food 0. 10 0. 10 0. 05 0. 10 0. 09 0. 10 0. 10 0. 08 0. 10 0. 08 0. 05 0. 05 1. 0 4 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 2 3 2 1 0. 40 0. 40 0. 15 0. 30 0. 36 0. 40 0. 30 0. 24 0. 20 0. 24 0. 10 0. 05 3. 14 Annexure-4 The Internal External (IE) Matrix McDonalds Strong(3. 0 4. ) Average (2. 0 2. 99)Weak (1. 0 1. 99) High (3. 0 4. 0) Medium (2. 0 2. 99) Low (1. 0 1. 99) Annexure-5 The Grand Strategy Matrix Annexure-6 QSPM Expansion in the marketProduct festering Key FactorsWeightAS TAS ASTAS Opportunities Increasing urbanization0. 1040. 4010. 10 High youth population0. 1540. 6010. 15 Rise in per capita income0. 10- Indian quick service industry expected to be around $6. 3 billion by 20110. 1530. 4520. 30 High proportion of household income spent on food and beverages0. 1030. 3020. 20 Threats Rising health consciousness0. 1020. 2040. 40 Anti-American sentiments0. 0- Low barriers to entry0. 20- 1. 00 Strengths High brand awareness0. 1020. 2010. 10 Efficient supply chain0. 1030. 3020. 20 Community involvement0. 05- Efficient workforce0. 1030. 3020. 20 World class training programmes0. 0920. 1810. 09 Investment in research and development0. 10- Quality of food0. 1020. 2030. 30 Customization of menu0. 0820. 1640. 32 Weaknesses High employee turnover0. 10- Less variety0. 0810. 0830. 24 Environmental issues0. 05- Yet to capitalize on the trend towards organic food0. 05- 1. 00 Total Attractive Score 3. 37 2. 60